Be Proud of Your Differences

Kevin Kling: hiring people with disabilities blogs graphic includes video screen shot of Kevin Kling and CareerForce logo

After he finished telling a story, a child approached Minnesota author and playwright Kevin Kling to tell him “You tell stories almost as good as my grandpa.” Kids provide a great lens to examine our beliefs and relationships because they don’t see our abilities or differences; they just see people. These types of positive interactions help connect us all. 

As someone with a disability, Kevin knows that every day can be a mixture of challenge, frustration, triumph and loss. But despite the obstacles people face, he remembers that our bodies are the best home our minds will ever have. 

When we “work our quirk,” as Kevin likes to say, we show that what makes us different also gives us strength. And that strength helps show others our true selves.  

If you need guidance on how to “work your quirk” with potential employers, CareerForce has many resources designed to support your career goals and disability employment needs. They include: 

One of the best resources of the CareerForce system is the extensive network of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) counselors who are available to career seekers with disabilities. Learn more about VRS services on the CareerForce website. Contact a Vocational Rehabilitation Services counselor now at to get started on the journey to your career goals. 

If you’d like to learn more about Kevin Kling and his work, check out his website.  
