Explore transportation careers. Learn the rules of driving a commercial vehicle and study to pass the CDL Class B knowledge test with passenger and school bus endorsements.
This is an online class. There will be weekly assignments to complete. Students can enroll in their local ABE program and let them know they are interested in taking this course or contact Paulina Kohan to enroll in Metro South ABE. To locate your local ABE program use the Adult Literacy Hotline.
Students can apply within their school districts or bus companies for employment.
Learn more about occupations related to this training
Training is free to those who meet the eligibility requirements.
1) At least 17 years of age and
2) Not enrolled in Kindergarten-12 instruction, and
3) Not required to be enrolled in K-12 instruction under state statute, and
4) Who qualifies under one or more of the following conditions:
- Are unable to speak, read, or write the English language
- Do not have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and have not achieved an equivalent level of education;
- Lack of sufficient mastery of basic education skills to enable the individual to function effectively in society
Students will take an assessment to determine if their academic level is appropriate for the course.
Who to Contact for More Information
Commercial Driver's License Preparation
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