Dan shared his CareerForce success story – and offered a thank you to CareerForce staff, especially Amber Kropp in the Brainerd location, whom he highly recommends to others looking for assistance with a career transition, as well as Sandra Brick in the Minneapolis North location, who leads virtual job search workshops.
“It has been a long five months. I was fired on December 11th and finally got a great offer on May 3rd. Being fired at age 55 was a tough pill to swallow. Yes, I made mistakes but I was also in a job that I disliked for almost two years and had a challenging work/life balance. In my search, I learned how important it was to connect with a company that was the "right fit" for both the employer and me. It was hard to stay patient, continue to get turned down and not become desperate or discouraged.
“I am so appreciative of all the services provided by CareerForce. I discovered my next role on Indeed, but the support received from many on the CareerForce staff was amazing. I joined in many webinars led by Sandra Brick along with others on that team. From learning about how to improve my resume to interviewing skills to current insider information trends about what recruiters are looking for, everything was so helpful.
I had one job search appointment with Amber Kropp about halfway through my search for a job that I was a final candidate for. She gave me great advice on what to say in the final interview for some very tough questions. I wasn't hired for that role (they hired someone from inside the company) but continued to use this advice and gain confidence in every interview after that. Amber - Thank you so much for our conversation. Even though I didn't get that job, what we discussed and the confidence boost I received from our 45 minute call got me over the hurdle. To anyone reading this, if you are looking to schedule a job search appointment and there is an opening in Brainerd (even if you don't live anywhere near there) TAKE IT! I live in the Twin Cities and Amber was so helpful.
“I now have a great boss and great co-workers and work for a great company in an ideal role for me. I'll never say it was easy but I couldn't
have done it without the support of many people at CareerForce. To everyone I connected with in that office, THANK YOU!”