The preservation and upkeep of equipment and buildings is a never-ending job, requiring skilled Maintenance and Repair Workers to keep things running like a well-oiled machine. Also known as Maintenance Mechanics, Facilities Managers, Maintenance Engineers, and Building Maintenance Mechanics, these workers are responsible for a vast array of activities and employ diverse technical skills. Some common tasks may include HVAC repair and maintenance, welding, machining, carpentry, and general repair of buildings and other structures. Demand is increasing rapidly for these workers in Minnesota and across the nation.
Almost half of all Maintenance and Repair Workers, General positions require only a high school diploma or equivalent to get started, but all need relevant experience and training. About one-fifth require some kind of vocational training and only about one out of every ten positions require a post-secondary degree. Among the most recent job vacancies for the occupation, 57% required at least one year of prior relevant work experience and 43% required a relevant certificate or license. While General Maintenance and Repair Workers span a wide range of skills and abilities, some of the most common across the field include troubleshooting, critical thinking, equipment selection, information ordering, problem sensitivity, and manual dexterity.
Fifty percent of those employed as Maintenance and Repair Workers in Minnesota earn hourly wages between $17.48 and $26.97, or $36,350 to $56,000. Entry-level workers can expect to earn wages close to $14.40 per hour and more experienced Maintenance and Repair workers can earn over $30 per hour, though these wages vary by region in the state. For example, entry-level workers in Southeast Minnesota can expect an hourly wage of around $14.85; while high level workers in the Twin Cities can exceed $32.50 per hour.
Perhaps surprisingly, the top-employing industry for general Maintenance and Repair Workers in Minnesota is Financial Activities. Other common industries are Public Administration, Manufacturing, and Education and Health Services. These industries often occupy large buildings or facilities that require on-site or in-house maintenance and repair staff.
According to the Occupations in Demand tool, demand for General Maintenance and Repair Workers is much higher than average throughout Minnesota. In addition, DEED’s Employment Outlook data, which produces both short and long-term employment projections, estimates that the occupation will grow 3% from 2018 to 2028. These data also project a significant number of openings via labor force exits and occupational transfers. A total of 3,182 openings indicates that there will be a consistent demand for workers to fill the positions left vacant by workers retiring or leaving for other fields over the next decade.
If you are interested in more information about opportunities as a Maintenance or Repair worker, check out Jobs in Demand here on the CareerForceMN.com website for wage ranges, educational and training requirements, current open positions in Minnesota and more.
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