Search results 21-30 of 380


How employment and training programs help Minnesota employers meet their workforce needs

There are a variety of training opportunities available to eligible Minnesotans to help them prepare for and find in-demand employment now. …
people in beekeeping suits working with beehives with evergreen trees in the background

H2-A visas help Minnesota ag employers and workers from around the world

Bruce and Stacy Wilmer have been beekeepers for nearly 40 years, producing honey in Minnesota and providing crop pollination throughout Minnesota and…
crowds of people talking with other people at display tables in a large room

CareerForce helps connect New American jobseekers and NW MN employers

Proactive outreach by CareerForce staff with the local New American community in northwestern Minnesota resulted in the first of its kind Polk County…
People standing together in an office hallway

Minnesota Indigenous Workforce Initiative (MIWI) featured at Central Minnesota event

Native Americans face some of the deepest educational, employment and economic disparities in Minnesota and across the country, as foundational…
people at a display table talking

The State of Minnesota is hiring!

If you are looking for employment now, make sure to check out all the state government employment opportunities – from education to health care to IT…
man looking at his phone with action lines coming out of phone and CareerForce branding

Jump Start Your Job Search

Did the holidays hamper your hunt for new employment? Then jump start your job search now with CareerForce! CareerForce can help you find good…
smiling woman with blond hair

Diane finds promising new career path with help from TAA

Trade Adjustment Assistance, or TAA, is a federal program that provides aid to workers who lose their jobs, or are at risk of losing their jobs, or…
January calendar page with no year and CareerForce branding

New Year, New Career!

Did you make a resolution to change your career path in 2024? If so, reach out to a CareerForce near you for NO COST career exploration and job…
smiling man in a business suit

Mike lands great job serving fellow veterans thanks to CareerForce

Mike, an attorney and a disabled veteran from the metro area was struggling with his job search. He  decided to try something new and seek…
graphic of two people high-fiving with words "CareerForce Success Story"

Reid credits Gina at CareerForce in Bloomington for his quick transition to new job

Reid submitted his success story and called out Gina Meixner at CareerForce in Bloomington for all of her help. Here's his story in his own words: "…