At its core, CareerForce is a collaborative partnership between the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), the Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards (MAWB, formerly the Minnesota Workforce Council Association, MWCA), and the Governor’s Workforce Development Board (GWDB). As equal core partners, we oversee all brand decisions for CareerForce. We also continue to seek input from stakeholders to field questions and understand needs. Our ultimate goal is to ensure confidence and buy-in so that everyone in our system becomes CareerForce.
To support our goal of becoming a resource people WANT TO access vs. one they HAVE TO, a dedicated CareerForce Systems Innovation unit has been created at DEED, facilitating three levels of decision-making:
- A team of executive sponsors from each partner organization that has the authority to make strategic decisions related to the implementation of the CareerForce brand.
- A team of core staff from each partner organization that oversees the day-to-day management and decisions for the CareerForce brand.
- A team of advisors that advises the executive sponsors and core staff regarding strategic decisions and directions.
See the full CareerForce Charter.