Microsoft Desktop Administration - IT Career Lab (VIRTUAL)
Monday, January 24, 2022 to Thursday, March 10, 2022
Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Students participate in 6 weeks of virtual (Zoom-based) classroom instruction and guided lab work, online study, testing, and career transition workshops.  

The curriculum prepares students for the MD-100 and MD-101 exams focused on Windows Client and Managing Modern Desktops. These exams, together, lead to the Microsoft 365: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate. The MD-100 tests one’s ability to deploy Windows, manage devices and data, configure connectivity, and maintain Windows 10 on devices. The MD-101 tests one’s ability to deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in a modern, cloud-based enterprise environment. The curriculum for both units of this course is based on the Exam Preparation guide from Pearson Education and Microsoft Press. The material is supplemented with online, on-demand study materials and virtual labs. Students will utilize the Windows-10 enabled desktops during class and have access to e-learning materials for study beyond class.

During their training, students continue to enhance skills in career transition workshops. These sessions prepare students to compete in theIT labor market by providing them with guidance in resume construction, helping them to sharpen their interviewing skills and providing information regarding networking through social media.

How to Participate

Attend an information session to learn more about IT Career Lab training offerings and to get detailed instructions for how to apply.  

To begin your application visit our IT Career Lab MN landing page

For more information and assistance, contact Jared Fessler - - 612-760-3425



Microsoft Credentials - Windows Client (MD-100) and Managing Modern Desktops (MD-101) - collectively these two credentials make up the Modern Desktop Administrator Certification

Job Placement - In addition to IT certification, the other main goal of our programs is entry-level IT job placement.  Our IT recruitment staff provides customized job search training and support to help you obtain a role in the IT sector.  



Learn more about occupations related to this training

Program Costs

There is no financial cost for individuals eligible for State-funded grant programs.  

Current grants can pay full tuition for women and/or people of color.  Eligibility subject to approval by State and other third-party funders.  To apply for grant funds, please contact Jared Fessler (contact info above) to begin the process.  

Microsoft MDAA Program includes 108 hours of live, Zoom-based instruction, comprehensive access to all course materials and learning management systems, practice exams, testing vouchers and full service via Pearson VUE Center, and Dell laptop computer.   

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