Adult Academic Program - Classes for Stroke and Brain Injury Survivors

**During COVID-19, we are still offering classes online. Please fill out a registration form on our website at and someone from our office will contact you.

Relearn. Improve. Connect. Achieve.

Our mission is to assist stroke and brain injury survivors to relearn the skills they need to achieve their academic and employment goals.

We serve individuals in the metro area who have had a stroke or brain injury and who want to:

Relearn academic skills like reading, writing, math, and digital literacy

Improve confidence to perform lost abilities

Connect with others who are facing similar challenges

Get the tools to achieve college, career, and life goals

We offer academic instruction in Reading, Writing and Math utilizing large and small group instruction, computers, iPads, print materials, and conversation. Online learning is also available that can be done in our computer lab or anywhere you have an internet connection.

Go to the Adult Literacy Hotline website for:

  • Details about Class Offerings
  • Contact Information
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Registration Process