Announcing the Minneapolis Apprenticeship Outreach Office

two men working on a machine with the words Power of Apprenticeship and the CareerForce logo

A new career resource is coming to Minneapolis highlighting earn while you learn opportunities! The  CareerForce location at 800 West Broadway will house a new Office of Apprenticeship Outreach – the first of its kind in the state. This new office is a partnership among Leading CareerForce Partners  Minneapolis Workforce Development Board/City of Minneapolis Employment and Training and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, along with Minnesota’s Department of Labor and Industry.

The Office of Apprenticeship Outreach will engage, inform and connect area residents to apprenticeship opportunities. The Office will be staffed by an Apprenticeship Success Coordinator who will assist individuals in exploring apprenticeship opportunities, accessing resources, and getting started as a registered apprentice. When a person is in an apprenticeship they are learning to prepare for career credentials while earning a paycheck.

Community-based outreach via local nonprofit programs and schools will focus on people of color, women, and individuals with disabilities. Supports and resources available to apprentices include career exploration, co-enrollment between apprenticeship and WIOA programs, and referrals to nonprofit employment services. This holistic approach will provide enhanced support and wraparound services to diverse apprentices.

In Minneapolis, and across the state, there are high demand occupational groups that have growing opportunities for apprenticeships. These include:

  • Construction
  • Health Care
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Utilities

By investing in an Apprenticeship Outreach Office, the City of Minneapolis and its partners will build a strong, well-trained workforce to match the growing needs of local employers.

Please join us for upcoming Apprenticeship events:

Announcement of Office of Apprenticeship Outreach & Registered Apprenticeship Panel

November 14 from 1:30 – 3 pm

CareerForce in Minneapolis, North

Apprenticeship Workshop for People Wanting to Explore Apprenticeship Opportunities

November 22 from 10 – 11:30 am

CareerForce in Minneapolis, North

Download a flyer about this workshop

You can also get help exploring apprenticeship opportunities from staff at a CareerForce location near you or you can research your options via the resources linked below: