Lynn was laid off during the pandemic and not aware of all the career exploration and job search resources available to her, until she got a call in July from Gina Meixner at CareerForce in Bloomington.
Gina shared information about online resources including the many CareerForce online workshops, a weekly virtual job club hosted by CareerForce staffer Paul Sears and specialized job search resources for people over age 50. Gina also encouraged Lynn to apply for the Dislocated Worker program, which made a whole new slate of training and job search resources available to Lynn.
“Dislocated Worker Program helped me get connected to a program called Back to Work 50+ through AARP…(we have) a class each Monday and Friday,” said Lynn. “On Fridays we have the opportunity to hear from employers that are happy to hire 50+ and describe what they believe helps with job searching, resumes, and interviews etc. Very good information that I really appreciate.”
“Thank you for all your help and the connection you helped me make with the Dislocated Worker Program,” said Lynn, who asked that Gina help share her story. “Please do share in hopes that this continues to be a priority for folks like me that are in a job loss situation and need to start over.”
As of mid-September 2021, CareerForce Job Service staff have made more than 85,000 calls to unemployed or underemployed Minnesotans as part of the Good Jobs Now calling campaign.
If you are looking for work, you are encouraged to set up an appointment with staff at a CareerForce location near you.