One way to be an employer of choice is to become actively engaged in the community. It speaks volumes about your organization’s values. It’s a good short- and long-term recruiting strategy. It increases your name recognition while demonstrating commitment to your community.

Community matters
Here are a few ways you can get more engaged:
Offer learning opportunities. Opening your doors for public tours—like many Minnesota manufacturers do each October during Manufacturing Week—is a good way to inform people about your industry and what you do. Other learning opportunities can include:
- Job shadowing
- Mentoring programs
- Apprenticeships
- Internships
- On-the-job training
- Volunteer roles
Build relationships with local schools and colleges. This is a particularly good way to foster relationships and develop a talent pipeline. It can include:
- Serving on an advisory board for a local K-12 school or college
- Speaking in schools about the work you do
- Offering scholarships
- Participating in career fairs and other educational events
Connect with your community. Other tangible ways to show you’re committed to your community include:
- Being active in business and community organizations such as the local chamber of commerce, Rotary Club, the Elks and other organizations
- Serving on the board of local nonprofit organizations
- Making donations or providing in-kind support to community groups
- Connecting with local economic developers and development groups
- Participating in professional groups and industry associations