National Inspection Academy

Welcome to National Inspection Academy

Our nation is experiencing a shortage of skilled trades men and women for our various construction needs across all industries, in addition to that much needed workforce exists an equal if not greater need for qualified technicians to perform the safety inspections of that construction. NIA intends to fill this gap in our workforce by providing the needed education for Nondestructive and Construction Material Testing training through the use of a hybrid training environment consisting of both online and hands-on education.


NIA will seek granting opportunities in support of our primary mission focusing on providing training to veterans, minorities, women, those of alternative genders and those seeking career transition due to the hardships of the Covid pandemic and other hardship. NIA will support apprenticeship programs as well as promote outreach and education to the general public, partnering with other organizations to support the inspection industry. Funding sources for these activities will include supporter fees, proceeds from publication sales, donations from sponsors, fees from training courses, and obtaining grants.


Mission Statement:
Provide quality cost-effective inspection training for the infrastructure, alternative energy, petrol-chemical, aerospace, and commercial industries. – NIA’s activities will primarily consist of providing technical education in Nondestructive Testing (NDT), Construction Material Testing (CMT) as well as preparation training for recognized inspection industry technical certifications.


Our Training Programs Offer

NIA’s NDT Career Program immerses students in the world of nondestructive testing, providing them with a robust training program which includes Level I and Level II training in seven highly sought after NDT methods as well as a full radiation safety training course.  This level of education propels students into the NDT industry with a diverse training background highly sought after by employers compared to individuals with limited training.


Our blended training program separates the lecture and laboratory training elements into separate components to provide a more flexible learning environment for our students.


Students will be expected to complete approximately 400 hours of online training over a six-month period.  At the time of enrollment students will be scheduled for the three-week laboratory portion of the training program six months from their online initiation date.  Laboratory training will be provided at the NIA facility in Baxter Minnesota.  This provides students ample time to complete the online training portion of the program.  Students may request to attend the laboratory portion of the training program in advance of their scheduled date provided that all online training modules are complete, and all examinations have been passed.


The laboratory portion of the training program consists of three weeks of Level I and Level II hands on training for all seven NDT methods included in the program.  Laboratory classes are from Monday through Friday at 10hrs of instruction per day for three consecutive weeks.


Please visit our website or better yet give us a call and we would be thrilled to explain to you our mission and the opportunities that exist in this widely unknown skilled trade that impacts us all and keeps our world a safer place.