Manufacturing professionals

People to vouch for you

Many employers will ask for a list of references. Typically, candidates provide three or four references, but some positions may call for more.

Generally, you’ll want to choose references who meet these criteria:

  • Someone who has worked closely with you and has a good sense of your skills
  • A person who is well-spoken and organized, so they can effectively speak about your qualifications
  • Not a relative, because employers will question their objectivity

There are four types of references:

  • Work-related: a direct supervisor or a close colleague at a current or former employer, or a former client
  • Professional: someone you know well from a professional association, civic club or community organization
  • Academic: a professor, instructor or advisor who was or is closely involved in your education (this is appropriate only for current students or recent graduates)
  • Personal: friends or neighbors you know well (this is appropriate only if you have no paid work experience or are required to provide a reference who can speak to your character)

Rules for references:

  • Always get a reference’s permission before you list them
  • Maximize what will be shared about you by selecting diverse types of references, like a supervisor at your current company, a colleague at a former company and a professional contact
  • Make sure you are providing prospective employers with your reference’s preferred contact information
  • Send your references a copy of the job description and your current resume to help them prepare
  • Send a thank you note to your references after they get a call from a prospective employer
  • Send another thank you note if you land the position