Find a CareerForce location near you

two people meeting at a CareerForce location

You can find which of the 50 CareerForce locations throughout Minnesota is closest to you by selecting Find a CareerForce location on the top menu bar of Then, enter your city name or zip code, select how far you'd like to travel and see your options. Select Learn More to see a map to the location, office hours, services offered and more.

If you're looking for a job or a new career path, a CareerForce specialist can help you explore your options, refine your job search strategy, revamp your resume and a whole lot more.

If you're an employer looking for workers or needing help with your workforce development strategy, CareerForce can help you, too.

There's no fee for services at CareerForce locations and assistance is available to the public. Stop by a CareerForce location near you and find out how CareerForce can help you!
