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Learn more about occupations and industries that interest you

Use the Explore Careers tool on CareerForceMN.com to see information about how much people working in an occupation earn, how much demand there is from employers for people with those occupational skills, daily tasks for an occupation, educational requirements and more. Most occupation pages feature a short video to help you learn more about an occupation.

See the Industry Pages on CareerForceMN.com to learn more about industries in Minnesota with the greatest need for workers. You can get information about the number of people in Minnesota working in an industry, see featured careers in those industries and read regional news and blogs about an industry.

View the Region Pages on CareerForceMN.com to get labor market and industry information specifically related to your part of Minnesota.

Access weekly Explore Careers events

Each week, Explore Careers webinars focus on a different industry and the positions found within it. We will discuss labor market data on growth trends, skills and transferable skills, educational opportunities, apprenticeships, and career pathways within the industries. You will get networking tips and job search keywords to help you find job postings. Employers from around the state will provide a range of perspectives on what it takes to work in these industries, and what they look for in a resume.