The Health Care Core course (HCCC) is a college-level, standardized competency-based healthcare course that prepares students for rapidly changing healthcare careers. The HCCC includes basic knowledge that healthcare workers need to know to be able to contribute to the delivery of safe and effective healthcare. This course provides the foundation for healthcare career pathways.
The HCCC is recognized within the MN State university system. It is now also offered statewide to ABE students through the Hillside ABE program. Please note that this course is worth four college credits.
Students can enroll at any time. Students must complete an intake process with their home Adult Basic Education program. To locate the Adult Basic Education program go to the Adult Literacy Hotline.
- Students must complete unit lessons, discussions, learning activities, and quizzes with a munimum of 75% accuracy to progress in the course.
- The use of a laptop or desktop computer is required to complete lesson assignments in the HCCC online.
- Students may receive writing and aassignment support through their local ABE program or online during the instructor's office hours.
- Students must remain active in the course to remain enrolled. Students who are inactive after two weeks will receive a reminder and encouragement to contintue. Students who are inactive formore than a month will be unenrolled from the course.
Our instructors provide instruction and support in course content and in how to use online learning tools. Our instructors give students feedback, grade assignments, and support students throughout the course.
Students may earn up to four college credits, and satisfy college prerequisites for many healthcare pathways.
The course was developed by the Minnesota State HeatlhForce Center of Excellence.
Training is free to those who meet the eligibility of being less than college-ready and are 17+ not currently enrolled in a k-12 program.
Assessment Scores Needed:
- CASAS GOALS score of 228+ or TABE Level D score of 536+
Who to Contact for More Information
Health Care Core Course
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