man with disability and employer

Hire With Confidence

You’ve decided you’ll help your organization find the talent it needs by hiring people with disabilities. Now you need help finding, recruiting and hiring the workers you want. Here are some next steps:

  1. Set up an on-site visit by a CareerForce Vocational Rehabilitation Services disability employment specialist. We’ll look at your work environment, ask you to describe in detail the responsibilities of the position you’re planning to fill, and get a detailed listing of the skills needed for the position.
  2. The CareerForce specialist will help you recruit candidates by pre-screening applicants who meet your needs.
  3. We’ll link these candidates to you and support you and the candidate during the interview and hiring process.

Our assistance doesn’t stop when the candidate gets the job. You’ll also get ongoing education and training, technical assistance with employment-related questions and help identifying necessary accommodations. And your new employees will receive ongoing job coaching to ensure continued success at your organization.

Finally, we’ll share opportunities for financial incentives for businesses who hire and employ people with disabilities.

Here are some helpful resources: