Khamiis, Nofembar 3, 2022. 1-4 galabnimo
CareerForce Saint Paul, 540 Fairview Avenue North, Suite 103, St. Paul, MN 55104 | 651-539-4100
Joogisaga tareenka khadka cagaaran Fairview Avenue | Baska 67 | Baarkinka waa xagga dambe dhismaha.
Loo shaqeeyeyaasha waxaa lagu soo xulay sida ay u caawiyaan luqadaha looga hadlo hay’addooda, bixinta xanaano caafimaad fiican, lacag celinta waxbrashada (mararka qaarkood) iyo ku dhawaashaha khadka bus-ka.
Loo shaqeeyeyaasha ka soo qeybgalaya (liiska wuu is bedeli karaa):
- ABM Industries
- Chick-fil-A Roseville and Arden Hills
- Cura Hospitality
- Factory Motor Parts
- Fairview / Ebenezer
- FedEx Ground
- Grand Performer, Inc., doing business as Elliot Park Hotel
- Health Systems Cooperative Laundries
- Intek Plastics
- Keytronics
- Metropolitan Mosquito Control District
- Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) - Metro District
- The Preserve of Roseville
- Rihm Family Companies
- Saint Paul Public Schools, Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
- Villa Healthcare
Kheyraad-ka kale ee bulshada heli karto ee imaanaya:
- Health Access MN / MNsure Certified Navigator
- Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Training Center, St. Paul
- International Institute of Minnesota
- IT Career Lab MN - Tech Training
- Minnesota Council of Churches’ Refugee Services
- Ramsey County Workforce Solutions
- Small Sums
- WellShare International
- CareerForce, Veterans Employment Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, New Leaf services - Department of Employment and Economic Development
Soo degiso waraaqda oo af Somaali ah