Diversity in Manufacturing logo with gear imagery and state of MN outline

DiMi: aimed at increasing employment among under-represented talent pools in manufacturing

The Diversity in Manufacturing Initiative (DiMi) is a collaboration of employers, industry associations, educators, partners, and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) aimed at increasing the number of BIPOC and other under-represented job seekers in the manufacturing industry.

This employer-led group has representation from throughout the state. DEED's role will be as facilitator, ensuring the development and implementation of this initiative. This initiative engages partners including philanthropic organizations, workforce development stakeholders, community leaders and parents of high schoolers.

DiMi Mission: Assist with diversifying the manufacturing workforce through increased outreach to Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) and other underrepresented talent pools.

Why DiMi is needed: The concept for this initiative came from a discussion between DEED leadership and the industry on how to better collaborate for increasing outreach to BIPOC and underrepresented communities. There was a concern among businesses and industry associations on the lack of applicants from these communities. In 2023, BIPOC workers make up 17% while women make up 30% of the overall manufacturing workforce. Population projections for Minnesota shows BIPOC communities expected to increase while white, non-Hispanic/Latino population is expected to decrease. Employers should expect future talent pools to be more diverse than today’s choice of talent.

#1ONBOARDING ■ Integration of talent into the industry ■ Foundational understanding of industry structure ■ Assessment of skillsets and industry knowledge #2CAREER ADVANCEMENT ■ Development of career laddering models for workers ■ Use apprenticeships and other trainings for upskilling ■ Development of mentor/mentee programs #3ENTREPRENEURSHIP ■ Acquiring a company or business ■ Starting a company or business

DiMi operates on three levels

  • Level one focuses on increasing onboarding opportunities for those entering or re-entering the industry.
  • Level two focuses on career development and retaining the workforce.
  • Level three focuses on entrepreneurship. This optional level is for those who desire to go from veteran worker to business owner in the industry. Access to resources to build or acquire a business will be made available.


many hands together

Find out more about the work of the DiMi committees:

If you are  interested in being a part of this initiative, please reach out to DEED’s Workforce Strategy Consultants,  Adesewa Adesiji.

close up hands on a laptop

More information about DiMi