The team makes regular improvements to the site to improve the customer experience. We document these changes in the release notes below, and we share more detailed demonstrations of updates at the regular product updates/sprint demos.

Sprint 111: 6/12/2024-6/25/2024

Summary: We began the preparations to implement front-end enhancements to the site, starting with determining a plan for updated font face, sizing, and opacity. To improve the quality of user data, we took steps to ensure test accounts were appropriately classified and added a feature to prevent the inclusion of invalid email addresses due to typos and otherwise invalid domain names. We updated the synonyms list for the general site search to make it easier for users to find information about Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker services, and we fixed a bug that was preventing events and services from displaying on CareerForce location pages. We also updated the footer to improve clarity and reduce repetitive content.

End user changes:

  1. MNDEED-7556: Explored font options and prepared hi-fi topography changes for text copy

    To continue improving's accessibility and readability for users, we looked into available options for updating the font face, sizing, and opacity sitewide.

  2. MNDEED-7563: Added notification to warn user when invalid email is used for account creation

    To ensure high-quality data and that users receive emails as expected, we added a feature that will notify users if they have entered an invalid email address during the account registration process.

  3. MNDEED-7564: Added synonyms for MSFW program on general search

    To make it easier to find information about Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker services on, we updated the synonyms list for the general site search to ensure that searching with keywords such as "agriculture," "farm," "msfw," and related terms will bring up the Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker Services page in the results.

  4. MNDEED-7591: Fixed bug - Events and Services not appearing on CareerForce Location pages

    To ensure that users can easily access information about the available events and services at the CareerForce location of their choice, we fixed a bug that was preventing Events and Services from displaying on CareerForce Location pages.

  5. Content update: Removed search block from site footer

    To reduce repetitive content on the site, the general site search block has been removed from the footer, so users will access the search feature in the Main Navigation menu at the top of the page.

  6. Content update: Removed language block from site footer

    To reduce repetitive content on the site, the language block has been removed from the footer, so users will access the language selection feature in the Header Utility Menu at the top of the page.

  7. Content update: Added label to social media block in footer

    To ensure that users can easily identify where and how to connect with CareerForce on social media, a descriptive label has been added to the social media block in the site footer.

Administrative changes

  1. MNDEED-7575: Flagged test accounts to be removed from reporting data

    To ensure quality reporting data, we identified a list of accounts that should be flagged as test accounts and flagged them to be excluded from federal, state, and local reporting.

  2. MNDEED-7562: Removed blanks in Test/Demo accounts

    To ensure quality reporting data, we updated the reporting status of every non-test/demo user account that did not have a specified reporting status ("blanks"), indicating that they should be included in reporting data.